Well... it's been a long while...since I started this post in draft form! Gosh...so much to do in life! LIFE just keeps on moving on! There is so MUCH to learn and do!
I graduated, November 2018, from a year long 200 hour course in yoga teacher training!

A friend said...'Your White Tara painting is cool. I like the freedom and simplicity of it.'
I realized that day that I NEED to get back to my pastel painting that I've neglected in the past 12 years because I was creating and selling semi-precious gem jewelry.
I had a business for 12 years which I just closed...time to move on! Craft shows are fun and rewarding but I'm got tired of it!
You can still see and order from my Facebook page that my daughter maintains...
It will take me awhile to dig out my pastels and get back into that...for among other things...
I have been in a book club for about 2 years, on top of all the others books I read, for pleasure and learning! I still do Hospice home care, just received my 10 year service certificate. For about four years I've been a Girl Scout Leader's helper with girls ages 7 to 10. I do yoga twice a week at the studio and try to do home practice 3 times a week. I go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week during the winter. I ride a bike, 7 miles outside, EVERY day weather permits during the season; last season I biked 800 miles!
I have a 20 year relationship, with a wonderful man, that takes time and effort to maintain along with my two homes (his and mine). I have my own small apartment and at his place we have a veggie garden, many flower gardens, a labyrinth and a park-like environment we maintain together.
Oh and I just had my 72nd birthday!
Life is HUGE...no need to be stuck on ONE topic for one's entire life!